Bonafide Revaree CRO

Bonafide, a woman's health brand, primarily focuses spend on one product, this case study detailing iterative testing and design work on Revaree.
Web Social
October 12, 2022
UI Design, UX Research, UI Animation


Bonafide, a woman’s health brand that focuses on menopause and the treatment of menopausal symptoms, hired Ampush (later acquired by Tinuiti) as a growth marketing agency in Q3 of 2022. Out of all six of their products, only one — Revaree — tends to get the majority of spending budgets on social platforms. Starting off the client relationship, Revaree had a 5.2% add to cart rate but only a 1.9% conversion rate, showing that intent to purchase existed among users but that falloff was occurring from the add to cart stage to the conversion stage.

With this gap in mind and using conversion rate as our basis for success, the team and I prioritized designing product detail pages (PDP’s) and flows that reduced friction between each step of conversion. Over the course of 2022 to now, I created multiple PDP designs for Revaree that iterated off of A:B tests, with the original page operating as the control for the first test and the winner of each consecutive test becoming the next control. These tests have compounded to create incremental gains to conversion rate, with a total to date of a 36% increase over the course of the client relationship. As well, with each winning test, we used our learnings from Revaree to roll out design changes to other pages in the Bonafide line of products, leading to gains across the account.


User Testing

User testing is often conducted on Bonafide's PDPs for Revaree. This includes user interviews, competitor analysis examinations, and click/scroll event tracking.

At the beginning of the client relationship in Q4 2022 and later in Q3 2023 & Q1 2024, we prioritized moderated and unmoderated user interviews—first focusing on the original homepage and later on our winning variant—to identify user insights on the product (and menopause as a whole), pain points on the existing site, and a competitive analysis with competitor PDPs.

Concurrently with initial user interviews, white boarding and innovation syncs were done across product managers, account analysts, and other UI/UX designers. Utilizing the landing and product pages of competitive brands, we identified UI trends across the market.

Competitive analysis

Continuously utilizing the event tracking system FullStory, we regularlycreate heat maps and scroll maps of our pages to identify interactions and friction points on the individual page. A large amount of interaction comes from users exploring product information, user testimonials, and cross sell opportunities. This insight allows us to make key observations regarding friction points across pages, such as a large amount of interactions with review read mores—particularly ones with negative or striking statements. In this example, we recommended sorting the reviews by “most liked” versus “most recent”, creating a boost across the account.

Heatmap example

With the above information and research, we were able to develop a Bonafide user persona to frame our point of view. For example, a large amount of users have high intent to learn information on the ingredients in the product, leading to emphasis of key ingredients in future designs.

Some other insights include:

  • A heavy distrust of hormonal treatments among the users interviewed
  • Interest in the ingredients in the product
  • Strong emphasis on social proof being desired
Bonafide user persona

From there, we prioritized out ideas from the above user research and competitive analysis into a roadmap, creating a new roadmap for each quarter and reprioritizing or backlogging ideas as needed.

Auditing & Iteration

My responding design included rectifying these issues and prioritizing informational and destigmatizing product features, as well as adding a sticky CTA to promote users to move down the purchasing funnel. As well, I highlighted key features of the product alongside branded iconography, prioritized information such as the amount of doctor recommendations, and incorporated Bonafide’s branding clearly throughout the page.

Other changes include an automatically scrolling carousel in the hero, larger text for the subscription module for the sake of the user (typically older women), and streamlined instructions for how the product works. Additionally, some information was consolidated to allow for a shorter page experience. This direct response test, done via an even split between the redesign and the original Bonafide page, showed an 82% increase in the add to cart rate over the control. To view the side-by-side differences, the hero image on the top of this page showcases the direct response changes with callouts.

Results table

One Question Quiz

Our first test after the initial direct response included the introduction of a “one question quiz” — a module that highlights various alternative products. The hypothesis of this test was that users may click on a Revaree ad that is applicable to them, but may be more likely to convert on a different product. This increased conversion rate by 4.9% over the control.

One question quiz animation

Additionally, with the one question quiz module, we have been able to identify the potential in cross-sell and bundling opportunities. Ristela, a product that treats low sex drive, has shown to have the most relevancy based off quiz interactions.

Interactions breakdown

Nutrient Module

One recent test includes the introduction of a module that replicated the nutrient label as a page element, prioritized due to heat maps showing that many users try to click on the final image of the carousel to expand the image of the nutrient label. As well, the module outlines information on the main ingredient — hyaluronic acid — as well as badges that highlight the fact that the product is FDA-cleared, naturally formulated, and recommended by thousands of doctors. This test increased conversion rate by 14.8%.

The nutrient module shown in desktop


The initial test post-audit, done via a 50:50 split with the original Bonafide page as the control, resulted in a increase of 82% for the add to cart rate. However, we noticed that the conversion rate was only a 4.6% increase over the control, leading to further testing to close the gap.

Our secondary test showed that integration of an interactive cross-sell allowed for an increase in conversion rate by 4.9% compared to the previous test.

Adding a section that details nutrient content, suggested use, and information about the active ingredient increased conversion rate by 14.8% over the control.

Review of add to cart and conversion rate increases